Teaching Children with Autism New Skills
This webinar is aimed at educating parents, caregivers, teachers, therapists and health professionals involved in teaching children in general, and those with ASD in particular.
This webinar is aimed at educating parents, caregivers, teachers, therapists and health professionals involved in teaching children in general, and those with ASD in particular. It provides a solid grounding in Learning Theory and is littered with videos of therapists demonstrating specific techniques to teach children with Autism new skills. The techniques discussed and demonstrated can be used with any child, whether they have ASD, ADHD, an Intellectual Disability, a Specific Learning Disorder or are typically developing. It was developed by Psychologists Dr. Jacques Duff and Helen Salter and is presented by Helen Salter.
Children with Autism need extra assistance to learn. This webinar will teach you how to successfully teach new skills to children who may not naturally acquire new skills from their immediate environment. Extensive information is provided to maximise learning in children with Autism. You are taught how to break skills down to meet the individual needs of the child you are teaching. Ways to assist and motivate your child to learn initial skills are discussed in detail. Video footage is presented to further explain the content provided.
'All children with Autism can learn, they just need help to do so'
- Understanding Autism
- Learning theory: how do we all typically learn
- Understanding how children with Autism learn
- Motivation and Engagement
- Developmental learning areas: identifying what to teach
- Task Analysis: breaking down skills to meet the needs of the child
- How to teach to new skills: ways to assist
- Fading assistance to allow the child to be independent
- Mastering skills and tracking skill achievement
- Developed and recorded by Dr Jacques Duff and Helen Salter
- Duration 2 hours 36 minutes